Champlain - Noëlla Champagne (PQ)
Maskinongé - Jean-Paul Diamond (PLQ)
Saint-Maurice - Claude Pinard (PQ)
Trois-Rivières - Danielle St-Amand (PLQ)
You can click on the images to see them in greater detail. The comparison of result to projection is below.
The PQ won in Champlain as projected, with 40.9% instead of the projected 37.9%.
The PLQ won in Maskinongé as projected, with 42.2% instead of the projected 36.0%.
The PQ won in Saint-Maurice as projected, with 41.4% instead of the projected 37.4%.
The PLQ won in Trois-Rivières as projected, with 40.1% instead of the projected 36.3%.
Result: 4 for 4 (100%)